It's been a little while since I've posted, but alas there will be posts!
To kick off the next sprint of updates, some good news to share.
On Monday, my co-author called me for the first time in several months. If you are new to this thread, I published my first book last November with a co-author and friend Owen Shieh. As we built momentum in the final revision process, our excitement peaked when we each received our first print copy by mail. In the months after print, we reached out to our community and hometowns for support and to help us spread the news. But as all things do, our attention moved on to other projects and we let the seeds of our first-run promotion settle.
Turns out that one of the seeds Owen planted during a pitch to his high school English department began to sprout, and we were told that they choose our book as part of their summer reading list! So our work will be in the hands of all of their international students for the 2011/2012 school year as well as all of the English honor students! We are thrilled! Not only is it great news that people will be reading our work and creating dialogue for exact target audience...but this sprout holds the potential to bloom into other opportunities for us to spread our work and generate feedback and dialogue [Our book is about peaceful co-existence through dialogue and diversity].
Honestly, I had forgotten that Owen pitched the idea at all; and he'd gone on thinking that they hadn't chosen our book because it had been so long since he had spoken to them.
" You cannot rush a seed from the earth. Be gentle with yourself."
Cheers everyone!
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